Joane V. Serrano, PhD
Professor and Dean
Faculty of Management and Development Studies
University of the Philippines Open University

Sustainability and U-learning Research Intersections (SURI)
Environmental Communication
- Communicating Satoyama Initiatives or Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (since 2012)
- Walking Research
- Rural Development
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
- Climate Change
- Environmental Advocacies
- Human-nature interaction
- Solid waste management
Sustainable Development
- SDGs
Educational Communication
- Digital Trust and Intuition (since 2019)
- Open and distance elearning frameworks
- Learner Support in elearning
- Silence in elearning
- Social media
- Open Educational Resources
- Assessment
- ICT in education
- Inclusive and equitable education and communication
Gender and communication
Culture and communication
- Indigenizing education and communication
- Decolonization
- Indigenous youth and women
- Indigenous rural practices
Serrano, J.V., Marasigan, S.B., & Belegal, J.A.C. (2022). Situating Plant Genetic Resource in the K-12 Curriculum: A Critical Review. In Plant Genetic Resources, Inventory, Collection and Conservation. Springer Nature.
Martin, J., Serrano, J., Nowakowski , J. & Williamson, D. Heritage Trails: Pathways to Sustainable Development. 2022. In Movement Heritage and Path Dependence. Cambridge: White Horse Press.
Yang, B., Serrano, J., Garcia, P. Zhou, H. (2022). Case Studies on World Open Universities: Case Study Book on University of the Philippines Open University. OUC Press.
Łucznik, K., Serrano, J. & Martin, J. (2022). An Exploration of the Contribution of Embodied, Situated Research Strategies to Cultural Ecosystem Services and Landscape Assessment Frameworks: An Environmental Empathy Case Study. Avant, Vol. XIII, No. 1.
Serrano, J.V., Belegal, J.A.C., Cañas-Llamas, A.M.E.F., Petrasanta, L.P., & Almodiel, M.C. (2021). Ask Iska and IskOU: Analysis of UPOU’s Chatbot for Information Support Services. International Journal of Open and Distance e-Learning, 7(1), 63-78.
Serrano, J.V., Marasigan, S.B., & Belegal, J.A.C. (2021). Taking a closer look: Reflections of indigenous youths and course writers on their experiences using tablet-based training on the conservation of Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines. ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 12(2), 14-23.
Serrano, J.V., Belegal, J.A.C., & Petrasanta, L.P. (2021). Documenting the University of the Philippines Open University’s response to COVID-19 pandemic through fora and webinars. ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Special Issue 2020, 24-36.
Serrano, J.V., Cañas-Llamas, A.M.E.F., & Belegal, J.A.C. (2020). Redefining public service through UPOU’s openUP. In M.F. Lumanta, & P.G. Garcia (Eds.), Quality initiatives in an open and distance elearning institution: Towards excellence and equity (pp. 145-156). University of the Philippines Open University.
Serrano, J.V., Belegal, J.A.C., Cañas-Llamas, A.M.E.F., Petrasanta, L.P., & Almodiel, M.C. (2020). UPOU’s chatbot: Toward quality information services. In M.F. Lumanta, & P.G. Garcia (Eds.), Quality Initiatives in an open and distance elearning institution: Towards excellence and equity (pp. 173-186). University of the Philippines Open University.
Serrano, J.V., Marasigan, S.B., & Labhat, M.B. (2020). Cultural and natural heritage of the Ifugao Rice Terraces as a satoyama landscape (P.G. Garcia, Ed.). University of the Philippines Open University.
Serrano, J.V., Cañas-Llamas, A.M.E.F., Belegal, J.A.C., Bandalaria, M.d.P., & Almodiel, M.C. (2020). Towards openness, inclusivity, excellence, and quality (M.d.P., Bandalaria, M.F., Lumanta, & P.G. Garcia, Eds.). University of the Philippines Open University.
Serrano, J.V., Lacaste, A.V., Belegal, J.A.C., Habito, C.Dl., Rabena, M.A.F., Fellizar, F.M.D.R., Marasigan, S.B., Buot, Jr., I.E., Alazada, N.D.S., Lawas, T.P., Bulong, M.P., Dulnuan, E.D., Labhat, M.B., Basilio, Jr., E.B., Gomez, Jr., R.A., Subilla, M., & Alag, V.K.B. (2019). Re(connecting) with the Ifugao Rice Terraces as a socio-ecological production landscape through youth capacity building and exchange programs: A conservation and sustainable development approach. In UNU-IAS & IGES (Eds.), Satoyama initiative thematic review (Vol. 5, pp. 149-168). United Nations University.
Serrano, J.V., Gelisan, L.A., Lacaste, A.V., Muyco, P.G., Alazada, N.D., & Marasigan, S.B. (2019). Discourse analysis of indigenous women’s construct on biodiversity and sustainable development. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 10(4), 31-46. doi:10.4018/IJSESD.2019100103
Program Manager – Blending of Multimedia Approach and Satoyama-Satoumi Principles for Building Climate Smart Communities Program (bSMART Program) – Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Program. 2021-2023
Project Leader. Pisay LEVEL UP (Learning made Engaging with Varied Experiential Lessons on a Unified Platform – Philippine Science High School, DOST. 2021-2022
Project Leader. Youth Capacity Building and Exchange Program toward Sustainable Development and Conservation of Ifugao Rice Terraces. A project funded by the Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Environment Fund. 2016-2019
Project Leader. Contextualization of the Instructional Materials for the Training of Youths toward Conservation of Ifugao Rice Terraces as a Satoyama Landscape. A project funded by The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM). 2018-2019
Project Member. Digital Trust in the Workplace. A collaborative project with Ostfalia University. 2018-2019
Technical Working Committee Member. Human Resources Development Program for the Sustainable Development of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). A project funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency implemented by Kanazawa University in collaboration with UP Open University, Ifugao State University, and Ifugao Provincial Government. 2013-2019
Invited Resource Person (2021). DEPED-Cavite District based Webinar on Creating and Effective and Healthy Research Culture
Invited Speaker (2021). Edutech Thailand 2021 – Inspiring the Next Generation Across Thailand
Invited Speaker (2021). Edutech Philippines 2021 – Inspiring the Next Generation in the Philippines
Invited Speaker/Organizer (2021). 5th International Conference on Service Management – Digital Trust and Intuition at the Workplace: Food Supply Chair. Ostfalia University
Invited Reactor (2021). UP Cebu Faculty Research and Creative Work Virtual Presentation
Keynote Speaker (2020). University of Jember International Online Seminar
Keynote Speaker (2020). 2nd ICOPAMBS (International Conference on Physics and Mathematics for Biological Science)
Invited Speaker (2020). Edutech Asia 2020 – Driving digital strategy for a sustainable campus of the future
Invited Speaker/Organizer (2020). 4th International Conference on Service Management – Building Digital Trust Framework in the University as a Workplace. Ostfalia University
Facilitator (2020). Collaboratoire – Research Residency – Facilitator
Invited Speaker (2019). 5th RP-Japan Annual Conference of the Ifugao Satoyama Meister Training Program – Developing Learning Resources for a Tablet-based Youth Capacity Building: Initiatives,
Constraints and Potentials
Invited Speaker (2019). 3rd International Conference on Service Management E-Learning in the Philippines – Serving Overseas Worldwide, Ostfalia University, Germany
Panel discussant (2019). VFH ELearning Symposium. Ostfalia University, Germany
Others. Technical Panel Evaluator. Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD)
Editor. Journal of Management and Development Studies
Recipient of Best Practice Awardee – NCODeL 2019. Ask IskoOU: A Closer Look at UPOU’s Chatbot to Improve Information Services
Contributed to UP Open University Position Paper on the Amendment of Open Distance Learning Act and Other Related Bills and Resolutions
Academic Exchange. Open University of China Press
ENRM 221 – Socio-cultural Perspectives on the Environment
ENRM 252 – Environmental Advocacy
DEVC 263 – Communication of Scientific and Technical Information
EDS 142 – Environmental Education
CED 213 – Instructional Systems Design and Management
Adviser/Committee Member/Academic Supervisor:
Master of Development Communication
Master of ASEAN Studies
Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management
Master of International Health
Doctor of Communication
Academic Supervisor – University of Southern Queensland
Awardee – 2018 Gawad Chancellor for Outstanding Faculty. University of the Philippines Open University
Dean, March 2022 to present
Faculty of Management and Development Studies |
Director (August 2020 to February 2022)
Office of Gender Concerns |
Director (April 2016 to February 2022)
Office of Public Affairs (formerly Information Office) |
Director (April 2016 to March 2018)
Multimedia Office |
Secretary to the Faculty (August 2013 to March 2016)
Faculty of Management and Development Studies |