ASEAN 271- Country Study [ASEAN Labor Economy and Human Resources Development]
Course Title: Country Study [ASEAN Labor Economy and Human Resources Development]
Prerequisites: None
Number of Units: 3
Course Description: Emerging ASEAN labor economy as envisioned in the ASEAN Charter and as a consequence of regional economic integration including review, design and evaluation of HRD policies, strategies, tools and practices.
Course Objectives:
This course will provide students a critical understanding of the comparative labor policies, labor law and social legislation, decent work, employment relations, labor and employment statistics, wages and compensation and human resource development tools and practices in ASEAN.
• At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Discuss the labor policy and HRD as envisioned in the ASEAN Charter including mutual recognition of skills, decent work and migration issues;
2. Develop a comparative framework to understand emerging labor policies as a response to regional economic integration and the challenges to core conventions on decent work in ASEAN;
3. Analyze comparative statistics on the labor force, employment, unemployment, wages and compensation and industrial relations to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as gap;
4. Analyze HR concepts and ideas to develop policies and share best practices in labor policy, employment and human resource development & management (HRD / HRM); and
5. Develop new innovative and creative proposals on filling the gaps to push forward the agenda for ASEAN HRD, to support and realize the vision and principles provided in the ASEAN Charter and Community Roadmap.
Course Outline:
Unit I: ASEAN Charter and Community Roadmap – The Labor Economy
Module 1: ASEAN Charter and Vision of a Community — Diversity and Consensus
Module 2: HRD and Decent Work in the ASEAN Community Roadmap
Module 3: ASEAN Regional Economic Integration
Module 4: Population, Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment, Income Distribution
Unit II: Labor Policy, Laws and Regulations
Module 5: Labor Laws and Regulations in ASEAN Countries
Module 6: Labor Policy: Focus on Mutual Recognition of Skills and Migration; Guest/Foreign Workers
Module 7: Employment Relations: Rules and Regulations
Unit III: HRD and Decent Work
Module 8: HRD Strategies and Tools in ASEAN
Module 9: Best Practices and Experience in HRD
Module 10: Core Conventions of Decent Work
Module 11: Health and Safety
Module 12: Gender Issues in the Workplace
Module 13: Forced Labor, Child Labor, Persons with Disabilities, Vulnerable Workers
Unit IV: Wages and Compensation
Module 14: Job and Pay Structure Design
Module 15: Minimum Wages
Module 16: Working Hours
Module 17: Compensation: Pay Practices and Benefits
Module 18: Equal Pay for Equal Work
Module 19: Social Insurance
Unit V: HR Strategies and Tools
Module 20: Education and Training Policies/Institutions
Module 21: Corporate/Private Sector HRD Strategies and Tools
Module 22: Public Sector (Government) HRD
Module 23: Labor-management Relations and Disputes Settlement
Unit VI: Integration
Module 24: Identify Strengths, Weaknesses and Gaps in ASEAN Labor Economy and HRD
Module 25: Propose Innovative Ideas on the Promotion of ASEAN HRD and Decent Work
Module 26: Steps Forward to Build the ASEAN Community Roadmap in the Areas of HRD and Decent Work