ASEAN 281- Special Topics [Gender Dimensions of Development ASEAN]
Course Title: Special Topics [Gender Dimensions of Development ASEAN]
Prerequisites: None
Number of Units: 3
Course Description: Description and analyses of the cultural, social, economic and political barriers to the advancement of women in ASEAN as well as regional efforts to address these barriers.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Analyze the causes, manifestations and impacts on cultural, social, economic and political development in the region on women’s status and on gender relations;
2. Assess the adequacy and appropriateness of current actions to address women’s/gender issues; and
3. Propose alternative frameworks, perspectives and practical actions to promote gender equality.
Course Outline:
Unit I: Introduction
Module 1: Historical Overview of the Cultural and Social Norms and Practices that Influenced the Status of Women Across Asian Countries (i.e.arranged and early marriage, allocation of tasks, roles and decision-making powers, etc.)
Module 2: The Current Situation of Women in the ASEAN Region: A Comparative Analysis
Unit II: Gender Analysis of the Causes, Manifestations and Impacts of Development Issues
Module 3: Health Status, Risks and Vulnerabilities of Women Across Cultural Communities, Age and Class Background
Module 4: Women’s Educational Status, Needs and Concerns
Module 5: Women’s Participation Economic Production (i.e. formal and informal sectors); Needs and Challenges
Module 6: Women’s Participation in Decision Making
Module 7: Violence Against Women (VAW) – Physical, sexual and emotional abuse; labor and sex trafficking
Module 8: Poverty and the Status, Needs and Concerns of Women
Module 9: Gender Dimensions of Climate Change, Disasters and Other Environmental Issues
Unit III: Overview of Global and Regional Initiatives to Advance the Status of Women
Module 10-11: Global Actions to Promote Gender Equality and Advance the Status of Women
-Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
-Universal Declaration of Human Rights
-Vienna Declaration and Program of action
-Beijing Platform of Action
-International Humanitarian Law
-Millennium Development Goals 2000-2015
Module 12-13: Regional Initiatives to Advance the Status of Women
-Declaration of the Advancement of Women in the ASEAN Region, 1988
-Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women in the ASEAN Region, 2004
-Joint Declaration on the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals in ASEAN, 2009
-ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD)
-ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children
-Work Plan for Women’s Advancement and Gender Equality (2005-2010)
-Work Plan to Operationalize the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (2006-2010)
Unit IV: Assessment of Gains and Gaps in Current Policy and Program Interventions
Module 14: Review of Policy and Program Strategy Frameworks and Approaches
Module 15: Proposals to Respond to Policy and Program Weaknesses and Gaps