The Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) through the Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) program, headed by Asst. Prof. Queenie R. Ridulme, Program Chair conducted the Let’s Talk it Over: Updates on Palliative Care Nursing on 06 July 2018 at the Seminar Room, College of Nursing, University of the Philippines Manila with livestreaming via

Dr. Primo G. Garcia, Dean of FMDS officially opened the program through a video message. Dr. Sheila R. Bonito, Dean of the UP Manila’s College of Nursing and also a regular faculty member under UPOU’s Diploma in/Master of International Health and Master of Arts in Nursing programs welcomed everyone who attended the lecture.

Dr. Ayda G. Nambayan, Training Consultant from The Ruth Foundation for Palliative and Hospice Care shared her expertise on topics about Palliative Care in Nursing, Palliative Care in the Philippines, Challenges and Opportunities, and Leadership and Research Opportunities in Palliative Care. According to Dr. Nambayan, the academe plays an important role in promoting palliative care nursing by incorporating it into the curriculum and adding more information on palliative and end-of-life care in books and other resource materials.

Staff and nurses from the Philippine General Hospital, Philippine Heart Center, College of Nursing of UP Manila, Major Danilo Atienza Air Base Hospital, and Master of Arts in Nursing students and alumni joined the LTiO as well as the discussion during the open forum.

The MAN program continues to conduct activities like LTiO to provide venue for providing information and updates in the field of nursing. (JFDePasion-Guevarra)