MIH program of FMDS holds thesis students’ orientation

The Master of International Health (MIH) Program of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies held an orientation for its thesis students on 21 January 2017 at the UPOU Oblation Hall, Los Baños, Laguna to give them an overview on the process that they will go through as they take up IH 300 (thesis) course and equip them with enough knowledge needed in the course.
Asst. Prof. Myra D. Oruga, Chair of the Diploma in/Master of International Health (D/MIH) Programs, served as resource person. She talked about the course portal for IH 300, draft manual of thesis style guide written by Asst. Prof. Oruga and Dr. Sheila R. Bonito, algorithm or process flow on how to submit the manuscript, and ethical standards including Ethics Review Board approval.
During the orientation, the students also had the chance to watch an audio-visual learning material about ethics in research created by Ms. Jelaine R. Bagos, Research Assistant of the D/MIH Programs. The learning material was originally produced by the D/MIH program through the one time grant of the UPOU’s Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services and Multimedia Center. Before the orientation ended, Asst. Prof. Oruga announced the students’ respective thesis advisers. It was then followed by a short consultation regarding their thesis.
A total of 11 thesis students participated in the orientation. Two of them joined via google hangouts as they were offshore-based.
The activity was organized by Asst. Prof. Oruga and Ms. Bagos. It was the first orientation conducted for thesis students of the MIH program.