FMDS Perma G.A.R.D.E.N.
Adopt-A-Plot Program
in celebration of Zero Waste Month
In light of the recent approval of SiALLC (Sustainability in Action – a Living Laboratory Campus), the “Adopt-A-Plot” program aims to bolster healthy eating habits, mental health resilience, and sustainability practices within and beyond the UP Open University (UPOU). By adopting a plot in the FMDS Perma G.A.R.D.E.N. (Growing Appreciation Toward Resilience, Development, Entrepreneurship, and Nutrition), this initiative will ensure that UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners are not only getting a piece of land but they are becoming stewards of the environment. Whether they are a seasoned gardener or just starting, an experienced team will guide them in mastering the art of gardening and harvesting their own organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices.

The Adopt-A-Plot program seeks to involve UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners in the care and cultivation of the FMDS Perma GARDEN. Specifically, it aims to:
- Foster a sense of community and shared responsibility for environmental stewardship;
- Promote biodiversity by allowing community members to adopt individual plots; and
- Educate and raise awareness through informal sessions, workshops, and learning opportunities to learn about permaculture principles and sustainable gardening practices.
Guidelines on Sustainability Commitment Form
- The program will accept applications on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registered individuals are required to pay a monthly rent of 50 CC (Community Currency) to Ms. Maryjane Reondanga.
- You may choose a specific duration of planting, as a contract of agreement: four (4), eight (8), or twelve (12) months.
- The plots are available to all stakeholders of UP Open University. Interested Plotitos/Plotitas must initially register through the Registration Form or it is more encouraged to visit the FMDS Perma G.A.R.D.E.N. site located at the back of the Teaching and Learning Hub (TLH) building to easily accommodate concerns. Please contact Ms. Raizza Anna Alforja ([email protected]) with questions and for further details. Interested UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners can also book an orientation with the garden caretaker, which may vary depending on their availability, by emailing [email protected].
- FMDS Perma G.A.R.D.E.N. is only providing the preparation of plots and water sources. Standard plots are 2m x 2m raised beds. Requesting larger or additional plots is possible depending on availability. It is important to contain the garden in your space as plants should not be allowed to invade or ramble into the walking paths. Any wood, stone, among others erected must be within the plot and not disrupt into the walking paths.
- Storage room is not available; hence, Plotitos/Plotitas are encouraged to bring their own gardening tools such as shovels, hoes, trowels, weeders, etc. Sources of water to the garden are being supplied by the University, and garden caretaker responsible for watering your respective plot.
- Plotitos/Plotitas are required to accomplish their assigned productivity monitoring sheet during their planting and postharvest date of production. This is to ensure that plots are being monitored appropriately for future research purposes.
- Plotitos/Plotitas must necessarily provide their own seeds and/or seedlings. We prohibit the presence of invasive plants, encompassing those with spreading tendencies such as marijuana.
- Plots are to be used for growing crops such as vegetables, flowers, etc. UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners can adopt individual plots for themselves so long as it is for their (1) own consumption, (2) selling to partner SME store of the Perma GARDEN, the Crops & Crafts AgriGrove Marketplace, via FMDS with an admin cost of 10%, or can be (3) incentivized through Alitaptap Community Currency (CC).
- To ensure the garden’s success, it is essential that every individual devotes his/her time in maintaining the adopted pots. All individuals involved in the program are not required but highly appreciated to dedicate at least an hour to fulfill the general maintenance and care requirements of their plots. Take note that the garden caretaker is not responsible to maintain the adopted plots. Moreover, it is expected that Plotitos/Plotitas maintain a nearly weedless environment in both the interior and perimeter areas of their respective plots throughout the entire growing season. We will be calling the attention of Plotitos/Plotitas who do not adhere to the rules.
- Plot abandonment is solely prohibited. It is encouraged that current Plotitos/Plotitas will provide successors and initially discuss matters with the garden caretaker and contact person before their formal exit.
- The Perma GARDEN solely practices organic farming, and we kindly request you to consult garden caretaker/professionals on organic methods to address challenges in gardening, particularly pest infestation and growth quality. The use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is strictly prohibited. If an organic solution proves impractical for a significant issue, alternative approaches can be discussed with the garden caretaker of the site.
- As with returning Plotitos/Plotitas, they won’t be allowed to retain their previous season’s plots and will be required to present a new commitment form to renew by the chosen planting duration.
- Trash service at the garden is limited, and all individuals are required to dispose of their own wastes, including plastic plant containers. As Perma G.A.R.D.E.N advocates and ensures a zero waste productive community, we highly encourage you to avoid waste of all kinds when creating and maintaining your plot by making use of things that might otherwise have been thrown away (e.g. plastic bottles as plant containers, or old bottles as walls of the soil beds, etc.).
- Plotitos/Plotitas are not allowed to pluck the produce (vegetables, flowers, and fruits) of their fellow gardeners; unless they explicitly invite you to do so.
- Ensure that when decorating your assigned plot, individuals must avoid casting shadows or intrude upon the space designated for another gardener. The program prohibits the presence of big structures, yet it does allow the use of items such as trellises or other plant supports to facilitate the growth of your plot area. Take note that Plotitos/Plotitas, whether as individual or group, must provide their names beside their plots.
These guidelines are subject to change without prior notice. Check with the contact person and/or garden caretaker if you are unsure on what you owe or have concerns.
How to Join?
- Interested UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners shall accomplish the registration form.
- Interested UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners can book an orientation with the caretaker of the site by emailing [email protected]. The schedule of onsite orientation may vary depending on the availability of the caretaker.
- Interested UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners can choose a plot size that suits their aspirations and commitment level.
- Interested UPOU employees, students, alumni, and partners must sign a sustainability commitment form and kindly submit it here.
- During the whole contract period, please fill out the assigned productivity monitoring sheet.