N207 – Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
Course Description:
This course is an in-depth analysis of nursing theories, theories from other disciplines, such as social and behavioral sciences, and bioethics in nursing. The course also provides applications of the above theories and principles in different nursing situations, client conditions and organizational settings. Learning these theories is very important since they guide nursing practice, education and research and contribute to the development of nursing profession.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester, you will be able to:
- State the importance of theory in the development of nursing as a discipline
- Synthesize theories and principles in terms of purpose, concepts, propositions and assumptions
- Apply appropriate nursing theories, theories in related disciplines, and principles of bioethics in different nursing fields:
- Clinical/community practice
- Research
- Education
- Administration
Course Outline:
UNIT I – Nursing Theories: Components, Development and Evaluation
Module 1: Nursing Theories: Conceptual Framework
Module 2: Client-Centered Nursing Theories
- Henderson’s Theory: Definition of Nursing
- Orem’s Self-Care Theory
- Pender’s Health Promotion Model
Module 3: Client-Centered Nursing Theories
- Roy’s Adaptation Theory
- Levine’s Conversation Principles
- Hall’s Theory of Care, Core and Cure
Module 4: Nurse-Client Dynamics
- Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations
- Watson’s Theory of Human Care
- Orlando’s Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship
- King’s Goal Attainment Theory
Module 5: Client-Nurse-Environment Dynamics
- Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care
- Neuman’s Systems Model
Unit II – Theories from Other Disciplines
Module 6: The General Systems Theory
Module 7: Developmental Theories
Module 8: Learning Theories and Other Related Theories
Module 9: Theories of Change
Module 10: Theories/Models on Communication
Module 11 Crisis Intervention Theory
Module 12: Gender Concepts and Issues in Health
UNIT III – Bioethics in Nursing
Module 13: Foundation and Principles of Bioethics in Nursing
Module 14: The Beginning of Life
Module 15: Autonomy
Module 16: Beneficence
Module 17: Justice
Module 18: Professional-Patient Relationship