N298 – Statistical Methods in Nursing
Course Description:
This is one of the core courses of the Master of Arts in Nursing Program which carries a three-unit load. It provides a review of important concepts in statistics and presents their applications in nursing situations. This course equips you with the necessary skill and knowledge on data processing, data analysis, and data presentation.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester, you will be able to:
- describe data in terms of frequency distribution, measures of central tendency and measures of variability or dispersion
- demonstrate applications of normal distribution
- present data using appropriate tables and graphs
- choose appropriate sampling designs for specific studies
- discuss factors that affect sample size
- perform estimation and hypothesis testing
- describe criteria for selecting statistical tests
- utilize the following statistical tests using some data set and any computer software:
- Student t-test 1
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Pearson Product Moment Correlation
- Chi-square test
Course Outline:
UNIT I – Descriptive Statistics
Module 1: Overview of Descriptive Statistics
Module 2: Frequency Distribution
Module 3: Measures of Central Tendency
Module 4: Measures of Dispersion or Variability
Module 5: Graphs and Other Diagrammatic Presentation
Module 6 : The Normal Distribution
UNIT II – Inferential Statistics
Module 7: Introduction to Inferential Statistics
Module 8: Sampling Designs
Module 9: Estimation
Module 10: The Logic of Hypothesis Testing
Module 11: Difference Between Means Tests
Module 12: Analysis of Variance
Unit III – Advanced Statistics
Module 13: Introduction to Correlation and Regression
Module 14: Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Module 15: Chi-square Tests
Module 16: Distribution-free Tests
Module 17: Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Module 18: Multiple Regression Analysis
Unit IV – Integration