
Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management

Program Description

The Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management or MENRM Program is designed to give professionals in environment-related activities a solid foundation in the art and science of environment and natural resources management.

The MENRM Program is a single, completely ladderized post-baccalaureate degree program. All students will apply for admission into the MENRM Program and will be regarded as Master’s students while enrolled or in residence.

Students will have the option to earn the Diploma degree if they exit the program after completing 24 units of specified courses. The Master’s degree will be awarded to a student who completes 36 units of specified courses with a general weighted average of 2.0 or better.

Students will select from two program tracks, either the Upland Resources Management (URM) Track or the Coastal Resources Management (CRM) Track, upon completion of two core courses. Those who will graduate with the Diploma degree will also have the advantage of specializing in one of the two program tracks.

Students can choose between the Diploma degree or the Master’s degree depending on their career goals:

  • Those who want to become highly competent practitioners can aim for the Diploma degree.
  • Those who, in addition to becoming highly competent practitioners, also want to contribute to the advancement of the environment and natural resources management field as researchers, can aim for the Master’s degree.

Program Goals

The program aims to:

  • Equip students with a multidisciplinary perspective in dealing with environmental issues by providing solid grounding in both natural sciences and social sciences as these apply to environmental management.
  • Enable students to become highly skilled and knowledgeable practitioners in either upland or coastal resources management.
  • Equip students with research skills that will allow them to contribute to the advancement of either upland or coastal resources management.

Admission Requirements

The requirement for admission into the MENRM Program, and the DENRM, will be a baccalaureate degree in any field.

An application form must be duly accomplished and submitted to the Office of the University Registrar, together with the following documents:

  • Original copy of the official transcript of academic records stating degree obtained, date of graduation;
  • Two letters of reference from former professors or supervisors, using UPOU standard format; and
  • Official receipt of the application fee paid at any Philippine National Bank (PNB) branch.

Admission Policies

Applicants are screened by the Program Admission Committee constituted by the FMDS Dean.

Mode of Instruction

Courses are delivered on a semestral basis using various technologies where appropriate. The virtual classrooms run in MyPortal, the learning management system of the UPOU. This is where class announcements are made, course materials uploaded, discussions held and assignments uploaded.


The MENRM program requires 36 units of courses comprising 6 units of core courses, 12 units of major courses, 9 units of elective courses, 6 units of research courses and 3 unit Special Problem.

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM223 Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics Ecosystem structure, function, energetics, nutrient cycles, population dynamics, ecosystem models 3 units
ENRM221 Socio-Cultural Perspectives on the Environment Socio-cultural perspectives and models for understanding human-environment interactions 3 units

Major Courses (12 units)

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM230 Principles and Applications of Landscape Ecology Principles, theories, research methods and applications of landscape ecology in environment and natural resource management 3 units
ENRM231 Economics of Upland Resources Economic analysis of upland resources; economic principles in the management and use of upland resources 3 units
SF263 Cultures and Societies in Tropical Ecosystems An overview of community and forest interactions in the upland tropics, with special reference to Southeast Asia 3 units
ENRM236 Governance of the Upland Environment Survey and analysis of policies, legislation, institutions, and processes relating to the use of upland resources [Prerequisites: ENRM221 or COI] 3 units

Elective Courses (9 units)

Choice of 3 courses from chosen track

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM232 Management of Terrestrial Protected Areas Management and administration of protected areas [Prerequisites: ENRM223 or COI] 3 units
ENRM233 Rehabilitation of Marginal and Degraded Areas Principles and application of different rehabilitation techniques for marginal and degraded upland areas [Prerequisites: ENRM223 or COI] 3 units
ENRM235 Upland Ecosystem Management Tools, techniques, and strategies in integrated and participatory upland ecosystem management 3 units

Major Courses (12 units)

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM240 Aquatic Ecosystems Physical, chemical, biological characteristics, and dynamics of different aquatic ecosystems 3 units
ENRM241 Economic Valuation and Assessment of Aquatic Resources Application of economic principles in optimally utilizing, valuation of, and managing marine resources 3 units
ENRM244 Coastal Anthropology Study of human activity system in single or multi-ecological zones where fishing and fishing-related activities are undertaken 3 units
ENRM246 Governance of the Coastal Environment Survey and analysis of policies, legislation, institutions, and processes relating to the use of marine and freshwater resources 3 units

Elective Courses (9 units)

Choice of 3 courses from chosen track

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM242 Coastal Zone Management Study of the coastal zone components, their uses and management [Prerequisites: ENRM223 or COI] 3 units
ENRM243 Introduction to Ichthyology Biology of fishes with emphasis on their evolution and classification, morphology and biodiversity, reproduction, physiology and role in exploited systems 3 units
ENRM245 Aquatic Resources Management Biodiversity, utilization, conservation and management of living aquatic resource systems, with an emphasis on fisheries management 3 units
ENRM247 Management of Marine Protected Areas Function, design, establishment and management of marine protected areas 3 units
ENRM248 Advanced Aquatic Resources Management Fish population dynamics and stock assessment 3 units

Elective Courses (9 units)

Choice of 3 courses

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM211 Environmental Planning and Management Principles and techniques in environment and natural resource planning and management 3 units
ENRM252 Environmental Advocacy Models, approaches, and strategies in the promotion of environmentalism 3 units
ENRM255 Biodiversity Conservation Conservation and management of biological diversity with emphasis on tropical areas 3 units
ENRM256 Decision Support for Environmental Management Decision-aiding methods for the analysis of environmental management problems 3 units
ENRM257 Sustainable Tourism Development Principles, theories, research methods and case studies in sustainable tourism development of environment and natural resources 3 units

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM281 Statistics Applied to Environmental Management Statistical methods and their application to environmental research and management 3 units
ENRM282 Environmental Research Methods Research methods in natural and social sciences, research processes and research proposal preparation 3 units

Course Code

Course Title

Course Description

Number of Units

ENRM290 Special Problem Independent research conducted under the guidance of an instructor 3 units

Program of Study

At the end of the first semester of the first year of study, the student will need to choose whether to pursue the Upland Resources Management Track or Coastal Resources Management Track. The second semester subjects will depend on the student’s chosen track. This should be done prior to the online registration for the second semester.

Typical Program Schedule for DENRM:

Year Semester 1 Number of Units Semester 2 Number of Units
1 ENRM221 3 units Major Course (CRM or URM) 3 units
ENRM223 3 units Major Course (CRM or URM) 3 units
2 Major Course (CRM or URM) 3 units Elective Course 3 units
Major Course (CRM or URM) 3 units Elective Course 3 units
Total: 24 units
Year First Semester Number of Units Second Semester Number of Units
1 ENRM221 3 units ENRM 240 3 units
ENRM223 3 units ENRM 241 3 units
2 ENRM 244 3 units Choice of Elective Course 1 3 units
ENRM 246 3 units ENRM 282 3 units
3 Choice of Elective Course 2 3 units Choice of Elective Course 3 3 units
ENRM 281 3 units ENRM 290 3 units
Comprehensive Exam*
Total: 36 units

* The comprehensive examination is to be taken after completion of 10 required courses (30 units). Students must take and pass the comprehensive examination before enrolling in ENRM 290 Special Problem.

Year First Semester Number of Units Second Semester Number of Units
1 ENRM221 3 units ENRM 231 3 units
ENRM223 3 units SF 263 3 units
2 ENRM 230 3 units Choice of Elective Course 1 3 units
ENRM 236 3 units ENRM 282 3 units
3 Choice of Elective Course 2 3 units Choice of Elective Course 3 3 units
ENRM 281 3 units ENRM 290 3 units
Comprehensive Exam*
Total: 36 units

* The comprehensive examination is to be taken after completion of 10 required courses (30 units). Students must take and pass the comprehensive examination before enrolling in ENRM 290 Special Problem.

NOTE: Students can exit the MENRM program and earn the Diploma degree (DENRM) if they have completed the 24 units of courses (which comprises 6 units of core courses, 12 units of major courses, and 6 units of elective courses).

Program Policies

Comprehensive Examination

The student applies for comprehensive examination after completing satisfactorily 30 units of course work with a General Weighted Average or GWA of 2.0 or better. Also, students must take and pass the comprehensive examination before enrolling in ENRM 290 Special Problem.

A comprehensive committee of three members shall be constituted by the Dean of Faculty Office, (e.g. FMDS) upon the recommendation of the Program Chair.

To qualify for the comprehensive examination, a student must have obtained a GWA of 2.0 or better. Application for comprehensive examination shall be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar at least two months prior to the date of examination. The application shall be recommended by the Program Chair and noted by the Dean of the Faculty Office to whom the program belongs.

The written comprehensive examination shall test the student’s mastery of all courses taken, which are integrated into two major areas: (1) core and (2) major courses. Details of the examination shall be left to the discretion of the comprehensive committee.

A consensus based on the standards set by the committee is required to pass the comprehensive examination.

Only one re-examination may be allowed within a year approved by the committee but not later than one year after the first examination. Failure to pass shall bar the student from earning the master’s degree.

Special Problem

  1. The special problem must be a worthwhile contribution to the management of the environment or natural resources and the methods are on the analytical type of research, whether quantitative or qualitative.
  2. A presentation of the special problem will be scheduled at the end of the semester in which faculty members are invited to attend the presentation.
  3. The special problem shall have an equivalent of three units of graduate credit and shall have a numerical grade.
  4. A copy of the special problem in a cd format shall be submitted to the Faculty Office.

Exit to DENRM

Students can exit the MENRM program and earn the Diploma degree (DENRM) if they have completed the 24 units of courses (which is comprised of 6 units of core courses, 12 units of major courses, and 6 units of elective courses)

Re-entry of DENRM graduates to the MENRM program

A DENRM graduate may seek re-admission to the MENRM program. Courses completed for the DENRM may be credited to the MENRM as follows:

  • Up to 24 units if re-admitted within three years from graduation.
  • Up to 9 units if re-admitted after three years but within five years from graduation.

For the Master’s degree, a general weighted average of 2.0 or better is required for graduation.

For admission related details, please visit UPOU website.

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