The Continuing Education Program (CEP) of the University of the Philippines Open University’s Faculty of Management and Development Studies will hold a Let’s Talk it Over (LTiO) webinar on “Embracing the New Normal through Online Business: Stay@Home, Earn@Home” to be live streamed on 26 June 2020, 2:00 PM via networks.upou.edu.ph. Those interested can register for free at https://networks.upou.edu.ph/cepltioregistration/.
The webinar aims to assist the viewers appreciate the use of the internet and other technologies and acquire basic digital skills so they could earn money online by offering their products and services and launching a crisis-proof business/career they can start quickly.
Mr. Ramon Manuel T. Nisperos, an e-commerce, marketing and business strategy consultant, and currently the Course Coordinator of CEP’s New Enterprise Planning and Introduction to Electronic Commerce courses, will serve as the Resource Person. He authored the books “Cyberpreneurship: Online Business Startup Guide” and “E-commerce Entrepreneurship”.
This webinar is in recognition of the COVID-19 crisis’ negative impact on labor. According to the UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations, the proportion of workers who worked at least 48 hours a week dropped from 68 percent in the first quarter of 2019 to 28 percent in the first quarter of 2020 or a decline of 18.6 million full-time workers. It was also mentioned that of the 23.6 million part-time workers as of April 2020, 17.3 million cited the COVID-19 lockdown as the reason for working less than the standard workweek.
For further inquiries, please email [email protected].
Graphics by Mary Grace Perez
Written by Larry N. Cruz
Edited by Primo G. Garcia, Ph.D
FMDS Socials