The Master of ASEAN Studies thesis titled “Urban metabolism of ASEAN night markets based on biological principles” written by Arch. Maria Rallah Villaseca has recently been published by Elsevier through the open access journal City and Environment Interactions ( The publication is an international and interdisciplinary rapid open access forum focusing on research on the urban environment from both the natural and social sciences.
The same paper was accepted to the 6th ASIA Future Conference for August 2022. The Asia Future Conference organized by the Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA) provides a venue for the exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, and culture for researchers and scholars who have studied in Japan or who are interested in Japan (
Ms. Villaseca has recently graduated from the Master of ASEAN Studies. She completed the thesis under the supervision of Professor Emeritus Gisela Concepcion. As a requirement for the completion of the Master Degree, students should submit a journal article in a publishable form immediately upon the successful presentation of their thesis at the colloquium. Through publication of thesis results, the Program hopes to contribute to knowledge creation, research development and sharing in ASEAN studies.
The Master of ASEAN Studies is one of the programs offered by the Faculty of Management and Development Studies of the University of the Philippines Open University (FMDS, UPOU). The program which was first offered during the First Semester Academic Year 2014-2015 is intended to promote regional and global understanding about ASEAN Countries from the perspective of ASEAN; increase the ASEAN community’s consciousness of its common historical, cultural, and regional identity; and obtain a balanced perspective in ASEAN studies.
Written by Dona Lyn Piamonte
Edited by Jean A. Saludadez
FMDS Socials