The Diploma in/Master of International Health (D/MIH) program of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), UP Open University (UPOU) in collaboration with the UPOU Multimedia Center (MC) conducted an Online Training Workshop on How to Conduct Webinars Effectively for the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine’s (RITM) trainers and IT staff on 10 March 2021 via Zoom.

Ms. Luisa Gelisan, Director of UPOU MC and Mr. Lexter Mangubat, Information Systems Researcher at UPOU MC served as resource persons for the training. Director Gelisan shared in her lecture the best practices for video conferencing. On the other hand, Mr. Mangubat discussed Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) and Zoom—how these software for video recording, video conferencing, and live streaming are used hand in hand in doing webinars.
At the end of the training program, an activity was held to gauge participants’ learning. RITM’s trainers and IT staff were divided into three groups and each presented a mock webinar applying what they have learned from both of the resource persons.
This webinar training workshop is part of the D/MIH program’s collaborative project with RITM titled, “Video Materials Development and Webinar Training for the Rabies Control Program of RITM”. UPOU has also produced informational and instructional videos for the project which were presented during RITM’s Online Training on Human Specimen Collection for Rabies Diagnosis held on 23-24 March 2021 via Zoom.▪
Written by Jelaine R. Bagos • Edited by Larry N. Cruz and Primo G. Garcia
FMDS Socials