Prof. Consuelo Habito, Chair of the Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management (MENRM) program, Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), attended the International Ecology Conference (INTECOL) 2022 entitled “Frontiers in Ecology: Science and Society” from 28 August to 02 September 2022 at the Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG), Genèva, Switzerland.
Prof. Habito presented two papers during the conference. The first paper, “Sustainable Resilience of Socio-ecological Landscapes and Seascapes: A Climate Action,” was co-presented with Ms. Liberty Tanangco, FMDS-UPOU Senior Lecturer. Meanwhile, the second paper, “Connecting Landscapes, Seascapes and Climate Smart Communities,” was co-presented with Dr. Merites Buot, UPOU Affiliate Faculty, Dr. John Martin, UPOU Visiting Professor from the University of Plymouth, United Kingdom, and Ms. Janele Belegal of FMDS-UPOU.
Both papers were presented under the theme “Keep Going! Sustainability: Land use and biodiversity” which was moderated by Prof. Chinwe Speranza of the University of Bern, Switzerland. The session illustrated the overarching role of all sorts of land use in biodiversity loss and conservation, and drew experiences for a sustainable land use that accounts for biodiversity and human wellbeing.

Nearly 1,000 participants attended the INTECOL 2022 in person and online as the conference was conducted in a hybrid set-up. The conference was collectively organized by the University of Geneva, HES-SO/Geneva, UNEP Geneva Environment Network, the Graduate Institute Geneva, and the International Association for Ecology.
Written by: Consuelo Habito and Rhea Ariele Pascua• Edited by: Dr. Joane V. Serrano
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