The Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and Kaya Natin! Youth Los Baños (KNY-LB) collaborated in preparation for the upcoming community workshop titled Project SIGLA (Sustainable Innovation Gearing towards Livelihood Advancement of Fishing Communities in Los Baños) this coming 06 May 2024 at the Academic Residences, UPOU Headquarters, Los Baños, Laguna. This workshop is under the Sustainable Livelihood Innovations and Digitally-transformed Enterprise (SLIDE) of Community Inclusivity, Digital Transformation and Acceleration Towards Sustainability (CIDAS) Program of FMDS.

The goal of this event is to uplift and reignite the “sigla” of the fishing community in Los Baños by promoting local species in Laguna Lake to the local people and the livelihood advancement among fisherfolk and women sector of the coastal barangays through creating value-added products. In line with the program, this will include discussions on protecting the freshwater ecosystem and wildlife species in Laguna Lake, a hands-on training workshop on fish processing and packaging, particularly on fermenting (pagbuburo) of kanduli (Arius dispar), and the possibility of establishing digital marketing for a startup kanduli product. This event will also include a “Kanduli Festival” session through showcasing various traditional and special recipes made of kanduli.
Esteemed speakers who will join us for this workshop are:
- aProf. Cesar Z. Luna, FMDS Diploma in/Master of Land Valuation and Management Program Assistant Professor
- Mr. Joseph Ryan N. Ligsa, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) IV-A Aquaculturist I
- Ms. Erica D. Lopez, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) IV-A Aquaculture Technician
- Ms. Fatima Ren-Guerra, FMDS Continuing Education Program Course Coordinator
- Ms. Pinky P. Halos, our guest cook
- Mr. John Mark Vergara, our assistant guest cook
Written by: Raizza Anna Alforja
FMDS Socials