The Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) Program of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), UP Open University (UPOU) and UP Manila College of Nursing (UPCN) recently held a writeshop at the UPOU Academic Residences from 10-12 May 2024.
The three-day event was a collaborative effort to create a joint Master’s degree to meet the growing demand for qualified nurse educators. The writing workshop held was in line with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals to to provide for SDG 4: Quality Education, contributing to SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being and, eventually, promoting economic stability and equality (SDG 1: No Poverty and SDG 5: Gender Equality) through enhanced educational opportunities.
Asst. Prof. Ria Valerie D. Cabanes, UPOU MAN Program Chair, opened the writeshop by presenting the overview of the current proposal and progress. Asst. Prof. Arnold B. Peralta (UPCN), discussed the review of the instructional design.
The faculty members from UPOU and UPCN who attended the event were grouped according to their assigned courses and specializations such as public health, maternal and child health, adult health, mental health and psychiatric nursing, and nursing administration.

(From left to right) Asst. Prof. Ria Valerie D. Cabanes, UPOU MAN Program Chair, opening the writeshop; and Asst. Prof. Arnold B. Peralta, UPCN, reviewing the instructional designs
The first day of the writeshop concluded with panel presentations of course syllabi where the members provided feedback on the alignment, organization, and depth of the course topics.

(From left to right) Faculty members from UPOU and UPCN working on the syllabi in groups; and Asst. Prof. Ria Valerie D. Cabanes leading a panel discussion of the first seven courses presented on day 1.
The second day of the writeshop aimed to improve the syllabi of the specialty courses. Asst. Prof. Aldin Gaspar and his group discussed how they can standardize the teaching and learning approach to teaching nursing specialties.

(From left to right) Asst. Prof. Aldin Gaspar and Asst. Prof. Earl Francis Sumile and nursing specialty groups standardizing their approach.
The writeshop concluded with plans to offer the Master in Nursing Education Program this 24 June 2024.

Writeshop participants with UPOU Chancellor Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Dr. Joane V. Serrano, FMDS Dean, and Dr. Charisse T. Reyes, FEd Dean.
Written by: Dina Mae N. Rejano • Edited by: Larry N. Cruz & Asst. Prof. Ria Valerie D. Cabanes
Sustainable Development Goals
FMDS Socials