In preparation for Academic Year 2024-2025, the UPOU Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) program conducted a workshop on 29 August 2024. The event was attended by faculty members from nursing specialties such as Adult Health Nursing, Maternal and Child Nursing, Gerontology, and Nursing Administration.

Key discussions during the workshop focused on updates regarding student enrollment, new admissions, and course offerings for the upcoming semester. Faculty also reviewed critical policies related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and academic integrity, underscoring the importance of maintaining high standards in light of technological advances. In response to growing challenges, the strategic planning session addressed AI-related concerns, team teaching approaches, grading guidelines, teaching and learning issues, and clinical practicum management.

MAN Program Chair Ria Valerie D. Cabanes shared updates on institutional proposals for new program offerings, including Microcredentials, the Master in Nursing Education, and the Graduate Diploma in Nursing. Strategies to continue the proposed revisions of the Master of Arts in Nursing into a Master of Science in Nursing were also discussed, reflecting the program’s commitment to continuous improvement in line with Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and No. 4 (Quality Education).

The workshop concluded with breakout sessions, allowing faculty from each nursing track to engage in focused discussions on discipline-specific concerns and strategies for the year ahead.

Written by: Asst. Prof. Ria Valerie Cabanes • Edited by: Larry N. Cruz

Sustainable Development Goals

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