FMDS faculty, staff, and co-authors at ICDBSE 2024. Photo from STOU.
The UP Open University Faculty of Management and Development Studies (UPOU-FMDS) faculty presented their research at the 2nd International Conference of Digital Business, Society and Economy 2024 (ICDBSE 2024) held at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) from 13 to 15 November 2024 in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Hosted by STOU, this year’s conference carried the theme “Innovation and Technology towards Sustainability and Lifelong Learning,” with subthemes on Digital Business and Economy, and Digital Learning and Society.
Four (4) FMDS research was presented under the Digital Learning and Society subtheme. Dr. Rita C. Ramos, Assistant Professor and Program Chair of Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN), presented “Smart Self-Check: Mastering Self-Regulation through Digitally-Assisted Monitoring Tool: A Mixed Methods Study.” The study examined how a digitally assisted monitoring system impacts self-regulated learning and to what extent quantitative and qualitative results coincide or differ, wherein results signified a difference between quantitative and qualitative results.
Dr. Queenie R. Ridulme, Assistant Professor of the MAN Program, presented their research entitled “Unlocking Insights: Exploring Filipino Nursing Universities’ Experience with the Filipinized Learning Management System (FLMS)” which analyzed user insights to enhance and improve the FLMS, yielding crucial revelations to augment Philippine online education and improving e-learning experiences within the country. This study was co-presented with MAN adjunct faculty Prof. Loyda Amor N. Cajucom, and co-author Mr. Ronald De Jesus.
From left to right: a) Dr. Ramos during her presentation; b) Group photo with the presenters, including Dr. Ridulme and Dr. Ramos; c) Dr. Ridulme during her presentation.
Dr. Myra D. Oruga, Associate Professor and Program Chair of Diploma in and Master of International Health (D/MIH), presented “Pioneering Care: Launching the Philippines’ First Pediatric Oncology Telemedicine Initiative.” Her study provided an overview of the initiative’s goal to improve pediatric oncology care in the Philippines through telemedicine by sharing the evaluation results of its impact on palliative care quality for pediatric cancer patients.
Lastly, Asst. Prof. Tricia C. Ascan, faculty member and Program Chair of Associate of Arts in Digital Entrepreneurship (AADE), presented their paper “Beyond Written Papers: Harnessing Video Presentation for Enhanced Assessment in Online Learning” which determined the effectiveness of video presentations for student assessment of lessons in the AADE and Master Public Management programs of FMDS, and in the Personal Entrepreneurial Development non-formal course. This study was co-presented with Mr. Joaquin Ascan, Junior Media Production Assistant of the UPOU Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning.
From left to right: a) Dr. Oruga during her presentation; b) Group photo with the presenters, including Dr. Oruga; c) Asst. Prof. Ascan during her presentation (Photo from STOU); d) Group photo with the presenters, including Asst. Prof. Ascan (Photo from STOU).
The 2nd ICDBSE brought together researchers, practitioners, and experts from around the world to share their knowledge and experience in digital business and technology.
Written by: Janele Ann C. Belegal • Edited by: Larry N. Cruz
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