As a self-directed learner, utilize these self-help resources/sites for program-specific guidance such as your program of study/recommended courses, major/track, practicum, and thesis/special problem:

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The Program Chair (PC) oversees your degree program. Reach out to your Program Chair if you need additional academic guidance regarding the following academic matters:

  • Admission status (i.e., probationary)
  • Course substitution
  • Waiver of prerequisite
  • Overload request (i.e., more than 6 units)
  • Practicum/Clinicals/Field Practice
  • Planning for Thesis or Special Problem
  • Comprehensive exam schedule, coverage, and results
  • Change of major/track
  • Exiting to the diploma or graduate certificate program (i.e., D/MENRM, GC/MAS) 
  • Other academic issues

Below are the Program Chairs’ contact details:

AADE aProf. Tricia C. Ascan [email protected]
GC/MAS aProf. Lorena Jean D. Saludadez [email protected]
D/MENRM aProf. Karl Abelard Edberto L. Villegas, Jr. [email protected]
D/MIH Dr. Myra D. Oruga [email protected]
DLUP aProf. Remsce A. Pasahol [email protected]
D/MLVM aProf. Jephte O.  Muñez [email protected]
D/MR&DM Dr. Leo Mendel D. Rosario [email protected]
D/MSW Dr. Finaflor F. Taylan [email protected]
DWD Dr. Maria Lourdes T. Jarabe [email protected]
MAN aProf. Rita C. Ramos [email protected]
MNE aProf. Ria Valerie D. Cabanes [email protected]
MPM aProf. Rose Nonette C. Capadosa [email protected]
DSus Dr. Ricardo T. Bagarinao [email protected]