Master of Land Valuation and Management
Program Description
The Master of Land Valuation and Management (MLVM) program is designed to address the need for high quality valuation education that will be accessible to professional land valuers and property managers, most of who are working in banks, private appraisal companies and public assessor’s offices in regional, provincial and municipal governments. The program also caters to those with no background in land valuation and management but wish to enter the profession.
The program hopes to develop in the sector a perspective of land valuation and management for sustainable development. Aside from being equipped to render globally competitive professional services governed by international standards of practice, graduates will have the ability to conceptualize, plan and conduct research that will contribute to the advancement of the study and practice of land valuation and management.
The Diploma in Land Valuation and Management (DLVM) program and the Masters in Land Valuation and Management (MLVM) are ladderized programs. That is, graduates of the DLVM may continue on to the MLVM program. MLVM students will have an additional year to complete a thesis as well as additional courses.
Program Goals
The program aims to:
- Develop professional valuers and property managers whose standards of practice and service shall be globally competitive and will promote the growth of the real estate industry.
- Develop professional valuers and property managers who thoroughly understand the land valuation and management sector’s potential and actual contribution to sustainable development, and are motivated to contribute to bridging this gap.
- Contribute to the land valuation and management body of knowledge by encouraging research in this field.
Admission Requirements
To be admitted into MLVM program, an applicant must have a DLVM degree and an average of 2.0 or better in the DLVM courses.
If an applicant’s average in the DLVM courses is lower than 2.0, the applicant must take and pass the qualifying exam, which will cover all DLVM courses.
Mode of Instruction
Courses are delivered on a semestral basis using various technologies where appropriate. The virtual classrooms run in MyPortal, the learning management system of the UPOU. This is where class announcements are made, course materials uploaded, discussions held and assignments uploaded.
The DLVM program and the MLVM program are ladderized programs. A student must first complete the DLVM program and earn the DLVM degree before applying for admission to the MLVM program. The DLVM degree can be completed in two years of part-time study while the MLVM degree can be completed with an additional year of part-time study.
The DLVM program consists of the following courses, each worth three units of credit:
Course Code | Course Title | Course Description | Number of Units |
LVM201 | Concepts and Processes of Land Valuation | Concepts, nature, practice and process of land valuation | 3 units |
LVM202 | Development Controls and Construction | Elements of the built environment that influence property values. | 3 units |
LVM203 | Land Laws and Planning for Development | Contemporary land and real property laws, public administration and institutional systems related to land use planning and regulation. | 3 units |
LVM204 | Statutory Valuation | Elements of government valuation, including property taxation and assessment, national and local taxation on property transfers, compulsory acquisition and disposition, and code of ethics. | 3 units |
LVM205 | Advanced Land Valuation | Principles of valuation of complex properties and concepts of property value, market analysis, valuation of investment properties, development properties, specialized properties, and non-market based properties. | 3 units |
LVM206 | Land Asset Management | Functions, roles and responsibilities of those involved in property asset management within physical, economic, legal and financial constraints. | 3 units |
LVM207 | Agricultural Valuation | Valuation of agricultural properties with emphasis on their productivity. | 3 units |
LVM208 | Mass Appraisal | Valuation of multiple properties including statistical analysis of results and the use of computer-assisted mass appraisal system | 3 units |
Students who complete the DLVM program with an average of at least 2.0 or pass the comprehensive exam may continue on to the MLVM program, which consists of the following courses:
Course Code | Course Title | Course Description | Number of Units |
LVM209 | Land Investment | Introduction to the land investment process | 3 units |
LVM210 | Real Estate in a Portfolio Context | Analysis, development and management of real estate portfolios | 3 units |
LVM300 | Thesis | Completion and defense of a thesis in the domain of land valuation and management | 6 units |
Students are expected to take the courses in the following sequence:
Year | First Semester | Number of Units | Second Semester | Number of Units |
1 | LVM 209 | 3 units | LVM 210 | 3 units |
LVM 300 | 6 units |
For admission related details, please visit UPOU website.
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